Search Result for 'life in London'

The Art of Manliness

In recent years, manliness has found itself under assault by make-up companies, diet gurus and even breweries. But there are a group of Aussie men who are bringing the fight to the UK. Men, manly men!

Queensland - Cairns

Hot jobs in sunny Queensland

Whatever your reasons might be for packing up and heading off, you might like to know that the Queensland Government is currently looking to fill over 150,000 job vacancies in various locations and vocations.

Why Poms move to Oz

For many Poms heading to Australia, the attraction is in the idea of absolute escape. But for the Brit who wants to move to Australia permanently, the attraction is less tied to an idea of exploration and the exotic.

I heart Kiwis

GO HARD OR GO HOME: There's a myth here in the UK that Australians and Kiwis don’t get along. I’d never heard of this so-called rivalry until I moved to the UK and, well, I really don’t like it.

Everybody likes a bogan

Going to Bogan Bingo is like injecting a massive dose of occa into a very London way of life. Plus it seemed to exemplify my own inner bogan deep down and made me realise how I actually love the bogan-ness that is Australia.

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