Victorian business slams new tax as nothing more than a ‘cash grab’
Government is expecting businesses and consumers to cough up more money, but not creating its own efficiencies, says employer organisation.
Government is expecting businesses and consumers to cough up more money, but not creating its own efficiencies, says employer organisation.
Pending tax increases on property by the Victorian Government would dent many people’s home-ownership dreams, property body says.
To boost the nation’s coffers, taxes are also being raised to 39 percent for top earners on more than NZ$180,000 a year.
Court finds that former CA made arrangements for his clients to lodge overstated claims for the Research and Development Tax Incentive.
The Chancellor also announced a change to the CGT rules on the sale of a residential property. Going forward, if CGT is due, a payment on account will be required.
The annual allowance for tax relief on pensions has been fixed at the current level of £40,000 since 6 April 2014. The previous allowance was £50,000 and prior to 6 April 2011, the annual allowance was as high as £255,000.
There are special reporting requirements and the possibility of a tax bill when you sell your home in the UK and you are living overseas.
The statutory resident test (SRT) is used to determine if someone is resident in the UK for tax purposes when coming to the UK.
The recent Australian state level land tax changes for Australian property owners are important and something to ensure that each property owner is aware of and registered for if applicable, according to expat property and tax firm ATS.
Greens leader Richard Di Natale said with inequality rising, reinvestment in public services should be the priority.
SPECIAL FEATURE: Do expats, especially those living in the UK, the USA or Australia, have to pay taxes? What is a foreign tax credit? What exchange rate do I use? The answers to these questions and more...
SPECIAL FEATURE: Timing tricks help politicians avoid dealing with the substance of their policies. That isn’t going to change any time soon.
If successful, proposed changes would take away any rightful Capital Gains Tax Free status for a family home if sold when living overseas. Expat property and tax firm ATS has been leading a formal submission and petition against the changes.
The Tax-Free Childcare Scheme (TFCS) was launched in April 2017 to the first tranche of working parents.
In December 2017, the US Senate approved reforms to the tax system put forward by Donald Trump and his administration.
Your new year should be in full swing by now. If you haven't completed your 2017 UK tax return by now, you'd better get going with it right away.
TAXING MATTERS: An understanding of the local tax system is a must if your non-Australian partner or family are planning to move there, writes Steve Douglas.
This can be a complicated area and landlords are often surprised at the expenditure that can and cannot be claimed.
There are penalties for failing to file the NRCGT return within the deadline and also for failing to pay the tax on time.
There are a number of reasons why you might need to complete a Self Assessment tax return if you earn British income.
The settlement follows days of confusion, with key players changing position, and months of uncertainty for farmers.
Treasurer Scott Morrison says so-called 'backpacker tax' negotiations will be finalised "this week".
Aussies have been claiming tax benefits for anything from their X-Box, pool table and even breast implants and sex toys.
There's some tasty carrots, but this Budget is not good news if you live and work overseas. HECS and HELP is about to catch up with you.
Jersey is a world renowned international finance centre (IFC) and is home to 12,470 industry professionals. As a leading IFC, Jersey is recognised for its strong tradition of corporate governance and regulation, and is internationally recognised as a highly reputable jurisdiction and well respected business centre.
The cost of flying from the UK for kiddies will reduce dramatically next year when airport departure taxes are scrapped. Find out if your children will avoid the tax.
On paying for the war against Islamic State in Iraq, Australia's prime minister says, “We think we can afford it.”
New savings report has Australia ranked number 1 in the world while the UK sits at 11th and is on a downward slope.
Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Stevens has resumed attempts to talk the Aussie dollar down.
Although highly criticial of the budget, Labor has helped pass one of its key measures - the temporary tax hike on the wealthy.
Why is there such a strong preference for fixed rate loans and longer term loans?
The Greens want the Australian government to look at getting more out of wealthy business interests who back the coalition.
DANIEL SHILLITO on all you need to know (well nearly) to get approved for the right mortgage to buy property in Australia.
EXPAT FAMILIES: International Family Law Specialist, Carmel Brown, answers your questions on how assets are divided on divorce.
In this ever increasingly hectic world, it often takes time and energy to ensure that you are getting the best from your pay packet.
According to HMRC, 1 in 3 taxpayers are due some tax back, with an estimated £322 million going unclaimed each year. This situation also affects many Aussies working in Britain.
Pay your Australian mortgage on time or else! Important changes to Australia's credit reporting system that you need to know about.
Just over 50 per cent of households are struggling to save money and many have less than $5000 to fall back on in an emergency.
Well the answer might lie in watching the Aussie dollar! Recent interest rate cuts designed to depreciate the dollar are under threat with fears of over- stimulating the housing market.
A new federal tobacco excise is set to hit Australian smokers’ hip-pockets to the tune of $1 per cigarette by 2016.
ASK NAT | Currency specialist Nat Davison answers your questions on when it is best to move savings back to Australia.
Rio Tinto has called on businesses to be more transparent about their tax affairs after the global miner paid almost $9 billion in taxes in Australia last year.
Why has the Reserve Bank moved interest rates to their lowest level in more than 50 years this month?
The current combination of world property market, foreign currency rates and economic factors are presenting a unique opportunity for those considering purchasing property overseas.
MOVE TO AUSTRALIA | The millions of Britons who divide their time between homes in the UK and overseas in countries like Australia need to clarify their tax residence status ‘sooner rather than later’, say financial advisers.
As term deposits and savings account interest rates decline in Australia, is now the time for Aussie expats to think seriously about switching their cash-only investments and into higher growth investments, including shares?
MOVE TO AUSTRALIA | It is said that there are two certainties in life; death and taxes. The latter in Australia shouldn’t be a mystery to you and understanding what is required of you and how it all works go a long way to alleviating the aches and pains that ...
ASK THE EXPERT | I have some outstanding tax issues. Will this influence my application for my British citizenship?
Simon Ripton, Head of Banking at Standard Bank Offshore discusses the banking options while working abroad.
UK law does not require that you have a written will, however without a valid will your estate will be distributed according to a predetermined legal process.
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