New state taxes a ‘sucker punch’ to Victoria’s property industry
Pending tax increases on property by the Victorian Government would dent many people’s home-ownership dreams, property body says.
Property investment in Australia – house prices, loans, mortgages
Pending tax increases on property by the Victorian Government would dent many people’s home-ownership dreams, property body says.
Australia’s post-lockdown property buyers have different wants and needs to those who were buying pre-Covid, bank data shows.
Financial institution Westpac says seller confidence is rebounding as home-buyer demand continues to surge among Australians.
As work-from-home arrangements make it easier for people to be further away from their workplace, many are seizing the opportunity.
Nearly 70% of those who shared with housemates, parents or in-laws are now keen to get a foot on the property ownership ladder.
The COVID pandemic has left landlords with vacant properties and tenants who can’t pay.
Property sales show a big decline as nervous buyers keep whatever money they have in their pockets. But some experts see positives ahead.
Anyone interested in investing in foreign property should definitely consider Australia, where the housing market has showcased stability that’s harder to come by in other parts of the world.
AUSSIE LENDING UPDATE: We continue to see great change in lending conditions in Australia, especially for overseas based borrowers.
AUSTRALIAN LENDING UPDATE: We continue to see great change in lending conditions in Australia, especially for overseas based borrowers.
AUSTRALIAN TAX UPDATE: Federal and state taxes have seen some significant developments that you need to know about.
In spite of its vastness and low overall population density, the Australian housing market is characterized by supply-side issues in key metropolitan areas, which have led to significant house-price inflation particularly in state capitals.
Expats will now need bigger deposits and will pay higher rates with some lenders to invest in Australian property.
EXPAT FINANCE | In a bid to starve off undesired effects of a property boom, APRA is determining what banks should lend, and to whom.
Selling your Australian property? You will need to engage a solicitor.
EXPAT FINANCE | How to get the best rates on offer in the Australian mortgage market today.
Britain and Australia have similar cultures and drive on the same side of the road, but when it comes to property, which country comes out on top?
EXPAT FINANCE | Aussie home loan Interest rates cut: is it time to buy or refinance?
With the increasing affordability of both the indoor security camera and the outdoor surveillance camera, you may be surprised at these five places where camera surveillance is becoming more common.
AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY | Offset accounts enable you to make the most of your income, reduce interest and pay off your home loan sooner. Financial adviser DANIEL SHILLITO weighs up the pros and cons.
Experts predict that this could be the best time to move back down under, with favourable exchange rates and the UK's impending winter. Here are their top five reasons to move back to Australia.
AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY | You may incur it when you take out a mortgage with a lender in Australia, but why is it applied and how is it calculated? Financial adviser DANIEL SHILLITO explains lenders mortgage insurance.
David Fuller, online editor at Halo Financial, explores what should be brought into consideration when looking at investing in property and moving to Australia.
MOVE TO AUSTRALIA | Moving to a new country and buying a home there is a worthwhile experience, especially when you are talking about Australia.
If you’ve been away from home for a while and are thinking of returning to Australia (or thinking of moving there!) you might want to book a seat at the upcoming Australian Property Info Sessions in London.
Ask the average Australian which is Australia’s fastest growing city and they’d probably tell you it was Brisbane, the Gold Coast or Sydney. Many people are surprised when they find out it’s actually Melbourne.
Anyone buying a house in Australia for the first time - including migrants with a permanent residence visa - is eligible for the First Home Owner Grant.
Whatever your reasons might be for packing up and heading off, you might like to know that the Queensland Government is currently looking to fill over 150,000 job vacancies in various locations and vocations.
Australian homes remain the largest in the world, figures show, but may have hit their peak - due to an ageing population and Gen Y indifference to home ownership.
THE HARD NOSED TRUTH: Make the most of the Aussie property market now.
THE HARD NOSED TRUTH: Getting on the ladder is the hardest part but the sooner we take that first tentative step onto the property ladder, the better it is for our future financial well-being.
THE HARD NOSED TRUTH: Look to the west if you want to invest
THE HARD NOSED TRUTH: Australia’s property hotspots are there for the taking and according to a report by the property group Australian Homebuyers International (AHI), Aussie online property searches continue to grow.
THE HARD NOSED TRUTH | More than one million Australians are living and working overseas yet it is believed that many of this diaspora have not made any real provisions for their return home.
THE HARD NOSED TRUTH | For many returning Australian expats the thought of moving away from their overseas homes can be an over-whelming prospect. However, with proper planning this can become exciting as well as financially rewarding.
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