Bob Hawke’s Yard Glass record pilgrimage August 9th
Relive the Bob Hawke yard glass Guiness World Record setting event with a visit to Oxford's most famous sites intertwined in the former prime minister's legend - and get the story right!
Relive the Bob Hawke yard glass Guiness World Record setting event with a visit to Oxford's most famous sites intertwined in the former prime minister's legend - and get the story right!
ALP Abroad has expressed concern that London based voters seem unaware of the crucial Senate election currently being held in Western Australia.
ALP Abroad urges South Australians in London to have their say in state election.
While on a visit to London, ALP Leader Bill Shorten urged expat voters to send a message to the Abbott government.
AUSTRALIAN ELECTION 13 | With the 7 September election looming, Australian expats in the UK are being urged to cast their vote at prepolling facilities at Australia House.
AUSTRALIAN ELECTION 13 | The major parties have urged Australians in the UK to make their vote count in the 7 September federal election, with overseas voters likely to play a key role in deciding tightly contested seats.
Volunteers for ALP Abroad distributed pamphlets at the second Test of the Ashes on the weekend, encouraging expat Australians in the UK to enrol as overseas voters for the upcoming federal election.
AUSTRALIANS in London and the UK will play a key role as overseas electors in Australia’s federal election when they cast their votes on 14 September. ALP Abroad will be hosting their first election planning meeting next Thursday 30 May at The Blue Posts, and encourages potential volunteers to attend.
THE EXPAT FACTOR | Paul Smith is an elected councilor on Islington Council and currently the only Australian citizen who is an elected person in the UK. Paul has previously been involved in a number of Labour members election campaigns in the UK, including Ed Miliband. Paul is also President ...
ALP Abroad’s pilgrimage to Oxford has uncovered the true location, and story behind Bob Hawke’s record breaking feat; drinking a yard glass of ale in under 12 seconds.
ALP Abroad are planning a day long pilgrimage to Oxford to visit the birth place of the 'yard of ale' legend that surrounds the former Australian Prime Minister, Bob Hawke.
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