As a landlord, what expenses can you claim on your UK property?
This can be a complicated area and landlords are often surprised at the expenditure that can and cannot be claimed.
This can be a complicated area and landlords are often surprised at the expenditure that can and cannot be claimed.
Finding a room, flat or house to rent in London is mayhem. It doesn't matter who you are, what you offer, or how much you are willing to pay, the entire process sucks.
The government’s tax changes for UK landlords, announced in this summer’s Budget, will significantly eat into landlords’ profits and, in many cases, will wipe them out completely.
Some essential tips to help you find a place to live in London.
Britain and Australia have similar cultures and drive on the same side of the road, but when it comes to property, which country comes out on top?
Owning a home is a goal regardless of where you are in the World, and if the returns promised by the UK’s buoyant property market ring true, it’s no wonder Australians entering the market see this opportunity as the best they’ve had in a long time.
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