Categories: Entertainment

Top ten Royal Baby memes – The Prince of Cambridge goes viral

FIRST comes the wedding, then come the memes. Followed by the pregnancy, and more memes. Then comes the birth, and the internet explodes where the sheer volume of millions of people worldwide making memes, sharing memes, and then compiling memes into top ten meme lists.

At the risk of adding to the meme saturation currently being experienced by anyone with access to any type of social media, here’s our top ten Royal Baby memes. Because if we hadn’t done it, someone else would have.

1. The one which predicts the future

2. The one everyone is sharing on Twitter

3. Do you think they’re talking about Australia’s bilby gift?

4. The one that would throw a spanner in the works of Paddy Power betting

5. The one that can read minds

6. The one where Nicholas Cage pops by

7. The one on the balcony of Buckingham Palace

8. And my apartment smells of rich mahogany

9. Run Simba, run as fast as you can….

10. And our very own Australian Times meme. The one where the baby is raised in Australia….


Alex Ivett

Leaving the world of law behind, Alex found a way to take advantage of London's amazing capacity for reinvention and is a former editor of Australian Times.