To fix or not to fix your Australian property loan interest rate?
It is never an easy decision on whether to fix your interest rate on your loans, so we have put this quick guide together to assist you in assessing your options.
It is never an easy decision on whether to fix your interest rate on your loans, so we have put this quick guide together to assist you in assessing your options.
The government’s tax changes for UK landlords, announced in this summer’s Budget, will significantly eat into landlords’ profits and, in many cases, will wipe them out completely.
EXPAT FINANCE | How to get the best rates on offer in the Australian mortgage market today.
DANIEL SHILLITO on all you need to know (well nearly) to get approved for the right mortgage to buy property in Australia.
AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY | Offset accounts enable you to make the most of your income, reduce interest and pay off your home loan sooner. Financial adviser DANIEL SHILLITO weighs up the pros and cons.
AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY | You may incur it when you take out a mortgage with a lender in Australia, but why is it applied and how is it calculated? Financial adviser DANIEL SHILLITO explains lenders mortgage insurance.
The government has launched several housing schemes over the last few years to help buyers out and revive the housing market, and it pays to know what they are.
In the current environment, many lenders can no longer provide expat or non-resident investment (BTL) loans, and others have adopted much more stringent criteria. There are some very important points to note right now, if you plan to buy or manage your UK home or investment property from Australia.
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