How the Australian Constitution, and its custodians, ended up so wrong on dual citizenship
OPINION & ANALYSIS: In contemporary Australia, identities are often complex, and citizenship entitlements may be multiple and overlapping.
OPINION & ANALYSIS: In contemporary Australia, identities are often complex, and citizenship entitlements may be multiple and overlapping.
A tearful senator said she was “heartbroken” and would ask that her case be referred to the High Court.
Barnaby Joyce heard the news while he was in his electorate. He goes into the byelection virtually certain to be returned – especially after the former independent MP for the seat, Tony Windsor, announced he would not stand.
Uncertainty for government prolonged by High Court while Opposition Leader Bill Shorten repeats call for two senior Coalition frontbenchers to stand down from ministry.
Overseas born Australian federal politicians of all stripes are checking their paperwork after government minister forced to step-down over dual-citizenship fiasco.
National treasure Russell Crowe reveals he has twice had his application to become an Aussie rejected.
Australians holding dual nationality cannot hold Federal public office. Has Tony Abbott ever formally renounced is UK citizenship?
AUSTRALIAN VISAS | Eligibility and requirements for Australian citizenship explained.
Hello fair people of Great Britain! Greetings from the azure skies and jonquil-yellow beaches of Australia, jolly John and Jane Bulls! Yes, you know who you are; cheeky chappies and lasses who have been naughtily skipping your studies for intense sports training!
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