Categories: Lifestyle

Heath Franklin’s Chopper and his ‘Hard Bastard’s Guide to Life’

REVIEW | By Haylee Slater

People are all a bit soft and pre-occupied with themselves, and it will take a “hard bastard” like Chopper to rid us of the “f*cktards” among us. Or so we are told, at least, by Heath Franklin’s Chopper.

Stumbling slightly at times, it was hard to tell if the colourful language and the loud drunk audience members provided the humour, or if Franklin’s premise was doing the work. However, it was obvious at times that “Chopper’s” approach was lost on the audience.

Heath Franklin has a charisma about him and obviously has the potential and skills to go much further. His anecdotes seemed very safe, I only wish he had taken a few risks.

Scoring high in audience participation — I myself falling victim to playing a role on stage, my concern was that the laughs came from our obvious discomfort rather than the content.

Unfortunately, unless Franklin can find a way to unite the audience in the premise and provide the humour directly from his performance, it may continue to fall a little flat.

Did you watch Heath Franklin’s Chopper? Tell us below what you made of the performance:

Haylee Slater

A post-expat resident of London, Haylee Slater and her husband are now driving around and across Australia. Haylee is blogging her travels at

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