Categories: Expat Life

Dependent children on UK Ancestry Visas

Q: I am thinking of traveling to the UK to stay for a while. I am subject to an Ancestry Visa however my partner would go with me and we have one child which isn’t mine biologically however the child is my dependent, is there any way of doing this?

A: If the child is biologically your partner’s and provided the child is under 18 and we can prove dependency, we should be able to do a dependency visa on your Ancestral visa similar to that of your partner’s for the child.

Many factors come into play however. For example: Who has sole responsibility for the child? Who has custody? Does the other biological parent give their permission for the child to travel to the UK and reside here?

A consultation with one of our expert consultants will be ideal to discuss the situation and your options in detail.

JP Breytenbach

Director of Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants Limited or

Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants

Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants Ltd offer expert advice and representation in relation to UK immigration law, UK visa applications, and UK visa reviews and appeals. Our highly qualified consultants have many years of experience in the field of immigration. We pride ourselves on our reputation for excellence, fast results, and friendly personal service.We also offer advice and representation in all South African immigration matters.