Categories: Travel

Oldies are getting kinky on cruise-liners, and STDs are on the up

Now, there’s nothing wrong with a little sexy-time in your golden years, hell, if you’ve made it to that age you deserve to let off some steam. Problem is, most older people didn’t get the sex-education us young whippersnappers did in school.

In fact, most of them grew up in an era sans HIV even. This has led to a spike in STDs among senior citizens, so much so that the UK government had to issue warnings for old folks going on cruises to bring protection.

On the other side of the ocean, the United States is seeing the rate of Syphilis and Chlamydia infections jump as fast in geriatrics as in young adults aged 20 to 24.

The reported reasons leading to our Anglo and American counterpart’s upswing in sex and related diseases are common to the Australian pensioner’s experience:

  • Health improvements for old folks.
  • Assisted living facilities (retirement villages)
  • A gap in sex-ed due to a more conservative upbringing

So, Aussie old timer, next time you head off to visit Doris up in the Queensland sun or decide to get on board that golden years cruise to Fiji… remember to pack a couple of condoms and if it itches, get it checked.

Australian Times

For, by and about Aussies in the UK.

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