
Stan Grant takes a stand against pro-Russia comments

Stan Grant did not have the time of day for an audience member who actually agreed with what Vladimir Putin is doing to Ukraine. While other audience members were also a bit rattled by what Gillies said, it was Stan who ultimately did something about it.

Stan Grant on the Russia-Ukraine debate

The individual named Sasha Gillies expressed his frustration with the way Russians were represented while being a Russian himself. He made a point of explaining the fact that media is presented a good and bad side, with the good being Ukraine. 

“As someone who comes from the Russian community here in Australia, I’ve been pretty outraged by the narrative created by our media depicting the Ukraine as the good guy, and Russia as the bad guy.”

Sasha Gillies

This question was rather uncomfortably dismissed before moving on to the next question. At some point, Stan Grant could no longer stand the fact that the audience member was in the vicinity. He asked him to please leave the premises.

In the footage shared by 7News, Stan Grant was visibly shaken by the question or comment made by Gillies minutes ago. This ultimately led him to say that violence should not be condoned and that Gillies clearly supported the fact that Russia is invading Ukraine in the way that it is. 

 “You can ask a question, but we cannot advocate violence. I should have asked you to leave then. It’s been playing on my mind and, I’m sorry, but I have to ask you to leave.”

Setting the record straight

The panel and Stan Grant went on to discuss the way Putin has been misinformed. Having previously stated that Ukraine is part of the Nazi regime. President Zelensky has since given an address that said he couldn’t possibly be part of the Nazi. Given that his father was a part of the Soviet Union and died at the hands of Nazis. 

In a further discussion, Stan Grant and the panel expressed that they do not know who has an influence on Vladimir Putin. And his misinformation has led to him making non-democratic decisions. Jason on the panel also spoke about murder. Evidently, two wrongs do not make a right. 

Stan Grant was also supported in his decision to escort the audience member off the premises. Others, however, felt that Gillies had the had to his own opinion.

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After a heated discussion, Gillies was seen trying to finish his question while Stan Grant continued to converse about the matter. But could not do so given the horrific comment he had made. He has since given a statement that shared his question was taken completely out of context. And was not given a chance to explain himself. He also apologized to anyone he may have offended. 

Shannon Alexander

Shannon Alexander is a writer who is fascinated by all things pop culture. The use of language in all its different forms has always intrigued her which ultimately led to her completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature studies. Right now, she is passionate about telling stories that matter most to people. When she isn't writing away about your daily dose of celebrity news and entertainment, you can find her getting lost in a good thriller book.

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