
Dream job: Big-ego celebrity seeks a near-slave

With the employment market in most countries tougher now than in many years, people are desperate to take on almost any job that comes their way.

But a recent job ad for a personal assistant in the US has provoked a storm of criticism, with some calling it ‘the job from hell’, ‘the worst’ job in America’ and even ‘the worst job in the world’.

The claims are vastly exaggerated, given the dangerous and frequently inhumane sweat-shop work conditions that exist in some places.

Stuff of nightmares for nine-to-fivers

Nevertheless, it is a job that’s the stuff of nightmares for nine-to-fivers, trade unionists and campaigners for workers’ rights.

The offending ad, posted by an unnamed but self-proclaimed ‘large celebrity’ and ‘well known ‘celebrity/influencer’ based in LA, appeared on a jobs board late last week.

It was then tweeted by an appalled New York Times journalist named Taylor Lorenz and taken up by Twitter followers around the world. At last count, there had been more than 3 000 re-tweets.

It’s a part-time but almost 24/7 job

The influencer, who claims to have more than 10 million followers, essentially wants to employ someone ‘part-time’.

Yet the successful applicant must be willing to be on call 24/7, to be on hand with coffee and the daily schedule in the morning when the celebrity wakes up, cook, clean, communicate with collaborators, welcome guests, pack and unpack travel bags, and handle maids.

Oh yes, and expect ‘minimal days off’ and be aware that you must ‘remove emotion’ and remain ‘sober yet social’.

Job may turn into a full-time role

Sound good so far? And, of course, be aware that all of this qualifies as a ‘part-time role which might transition into a full-time one’.

The advert does not specify the identity of the influencer, although it refers to a ‘her’.

However, it does it does note that the successful job applicant must live ‘40-60 minutes away from Los Angeles’, so presumably it’s someone based in the LA area.

Oh, and the salary is US$25-US$30/hr (around $35-$42 in Australian currency).

Twitter users immediately outraged

The Twittersphere was immediate outraged as the tweet by Times writerLorenz made its way around the world.

“So they want a 24/7 on-call butler, maid, cook, cleaner, secretary, counsellor and driver… for $25/hour in central LA?” remarked one user.

“Yeah, this doesn’t sound toxic and exploitative at all…” observed another.

“Sounds like a fast track to a mental breakdown,” warned a third.

“Part-time job, but on call 24/7! Mmmmm…nope.”

Which just about sums it up, really.

Mike Simpson

Mike Simpson has been in the media industry for 25-plus years. He writes on finance, the economy, general business, marketing, travel, lifestyle and motoring.