
Top 10 Ja’mie ‘private school girl’ quotes

Ja’mie: Private School Girl is an Australian tv show from 2013 that became a huge success and gathered fans far and wide across Australia.

1. “JUST because I’m rich, doesn’t mean I’m a bitch.”

2. “I love your bins. They’re so random.”

3. “Teachers at my school are always going, “Ja’mie, Oh my God, you’re the most likely to succeed” and stuff. ‘Cause I’m, like, the smartest non-Asian in year 11. And I’m good at sport and everything that Asians can’t do, so I’m such a good ambassador for the school. ”

4. “I loooove peace. Are you into peace?…I would never go out with a guy that wasn’t into peace.”

5. “Some of you come from povo families, but that’s not your fault. Some of you, I know, don’t even have Foxtel.”

6. “When I meet girls, they’re usually really threatened straight away, right?. So then I meet and they’re like “oh my god, she’s so hot, I’m never going to be friends with her” and then I go up to them and I’m like “Hi! How you going?!” and they’re really surprised that I’m giving them the time of day.”

7. “A school that bans formals is a school that bans life. Summer Heights High, you should be ashamed of yourself. Firstly, formals can give hope. They give povo people something to live for. Lack of formals in a school can seriously affect the development of a girl. Without formals, you can seriously stunt girls socially and physically.”

8. “I don’t want to look slut, but sort of semi-slut.”

9. “Going with the AIDS thing means that people are more likely to give money because they’re going to feel really bad. If I just said it was for the formal they wouldn’t care. Do you know what I mean?”

10. “Public schools rock!”