
Don’t worry Darling: What to expect from the psychological thriller

Don’t worry Darling is a psychological thriller following the lives of a perfect society. That is men, going to work while the women do what they do best at home. 

Women as centerpieces in Don’t worry Darling

While this is a bit stereotypical, the film is the epitome of a perfect life that is too good to be true. Things seem well before the cracks begin to show. 

According to Vanity Fair, Don’t worry Darling is based on a society of men who works for a cause called Victory. This establishment also houses these men with their wives. 

Olivia Wilde promotes her film

The film, which is directed by Olivia Wilde is also starred in the film to be released in September. Just recently, Olivia Wilde caught the attention of many when she was served custody papers while promoting Don’t worry Darling. 

She and her ex Jason Sudeikis share two kids together and split after nine years together in 2020. 

From sex to alcohol mixed with suspense, the film is set to have its viewers on the edge of their seats.  

Now, the first thing we notice in the trailer is the way the men put their wives forth as possessions – like sitting or standing next to them and looking pretty. 

Harry Styles makes his first acting debut

With that on its own, Don’t Worry Darling sets the tone for the role of women. That is a society in which women are to ask no questions and simply support their husbands. Whatever that is. 

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One particular relationship put under the microscope is that of Jack (Harry Styles) and Alice (Florence Pugh). Their relationship comes forth as perfect but soon unravels through one question. That is, what are they doing in the community of victory? 

Right now, Don’t worry Darling is set to hit theatres on September 23 in 2022.

Shannon Alexander

Shannon Alexander is a writer who is fascinated by all things pop culture. The use of language in all its different forms has always intrigued her which ultimately led to her completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature studies. Right now, she is passionate about telling stories that matter most to people. When she isn't writing away about your daily dose of celebrity news and entertainment, you can find her getting lost in a good thriller book.