Health & Wellness

Hair Loss Treatments in Australia

Baldness is a term that describes significant hair loss from the head. The most prevalent reason for baldness is genetic hair loss as people become older. Some people may rather leave this issue untreated and unnoticed. While the others can hide it behind their hair with cosmetics, caps, or shawls. On the contrary, some choose to undergo one among the many therapies offered to stop future hair loss or to boost hair restoration.

Luckily, Hair and skin science Gold Coast offer you the best hair treatments in Australia!

Types of Hair Loss Treatments You Can Get

PRF Hair Loss Treatments

Are you worried about the increase in your hair fall? PRF hair loss treatments are a newly produced procedure that is more advanced than PRP. It works on the same concepts as PRP, in that blood is taken and separated in a centrifuge.

Instead of using anticoagulants, an insoluble protein called fibrin is filled with platelets and is carefully isolated from stem cells and your leukocytes and placed inside a fibrin matrix. Fibrin still has growth hormones, but it also has more functional enzymes, which means it’s a more successful therapy. This procedure appears and feels similar to a PRP hair loss therapy, but it definitely has a more significant impact.

PRP Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss medication using our PRP is a non-surgical, effective solution for baldness and other typical disorders. It targets problem spots with platelet-rich plasma obtained from your blood to assist in the increase of hair growth.

Growth hormones found in platelet-rich plasma aid in the formation of new tissues. We can boost healthy hair renewal by employing it on your scalp to treat prevalent disorders. 

You can use PRP hair loss treatments alone or a combination of a larger therapeutic plan to address one or more hair issues.

The Process Behind PRP Hairloss Treatment

Before starting the PRP hair restoration procedure, a little blood sample is collected from you. A centrifuge is then used to separate the different substances in the blood. By utilizing an exceedingly small needle, the micro-needling process will now commence wherein the platelet-rich plasma is extracted and infused into your scalp.

The microscopic injections are carefully placed by cosmetic surgeons into balding spots or locations wherein hair thinning is evident. These injections will establish a connection with your follicles’ roots, which could stimulate growth. This process also utilizes a method termed micro-needling your scalp, which could assist in promoting hair follicles by increasing blood circulation.

How to protect and maintain your restored hair

In some uncommon cases, your scalp could feel uncomfortable after the treatment, but most individuals do not suffer any irritation. You could instantly resume your normal routine. Simply avoid shampooing your hair or engaging in heavy activities for 12 hours following the session.

To attain the best outcomes, therapies should be repeated after 2-3 weeks for a maximum of 12 times. Depending on your scalp’s condition, a follow-up therapy may be necessary after three months.

Who can undergo this treatment?

For men who suffer from premature balding, PRP hair loss therapy may be a non-surgical solution. Hair thinning in men is the most frequent source of male hair loss. PRP hair restoration treatment can help you and those who have other disorders that lead to hair loss.

However, this doesn’t imply that hair loss is only applicable to men. In fact, By the age of 50, almost 40% of women will have experienced baldness and hair thinning. It normally begins at the portion line in women, and sparse regions at the forehead may occur. It could occur in numerous women after pregnancy or during their postmenopausal period. 

Nevertheless, the problem isn’t usually caused by hormones. Infections, drugs, disorders, and external conditions can cause hair follicles to cease functioning properly. Hair loss can be caused by emotional stress as well. Women suffering from hair loss problems may benefit from PRP injections and micro-needling.

Thus, here’s a list of potential candidates for this treatment:

  • Hereditary hair loss
  • Diseases such as alopecia
  • Stress-induced hair loss


Your hair is one of the essential factors in establishing confidence when presenting yourself. Having strong hair also shows that your health is in good condition. So, if you are experiencing problems involving this, you can immediately consult specialists to address this concern. 

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