
Why Is It Smart To Add Bitcoin In Your Investment Portfolios

Investing in Bitcoin? 

Of Course, it’s a really smart way of investment. Bitcoin as a new success model is not unknown to anyone.

If you have a good experience in the investment, you need to try your luck investing in Bitcoin too.

That will prove to be a healthy option in your investment portfolio. So start trading Cryptocurrency in bitcoin buyer, a trustworthy Crypto trading platform. In this article, we will discuss why investing in Bitcoin is a smart move for you.

Success Journey Of Bitcoin

Bitcoin has been highly successful in the present time. No matter what some countries think, they may consider Bitcoin and a few other Cryptocurrencies as legal tender.

And that’s a highly promising prospect, as one could say the least. Let’s go through some of the milestones achieved by Bitcoin:

1. Presently, the 24h trading volume of Bitcoin is 31.11 bn USD. 

2. There are around 276178 Bitcoin network transactions conducted daily, which is a great development. 

3. In the year 2020, Google’s search for Bitcoin is much higher compared to its closest rival, Ethereum.

4. Bitcoin is now a legal tender in El Salvador!

5. According to, the total number of Bitcoin transactions since its launch in the year 2009 is a 668million. This very number is increasing per day. 

6. The last Bitcoin will be mined in the year 2041. 

7. Lastly, there are almost around 100,000 Bitcoin millionaires, and you could be one of them! 

The facts, figures, and data are well put into the success of Bitcoin in the present time. This vehemently establishes the authenticity, acceptability, and stability of Bitcoin. This is the reason why more and more people are joining Bitcoin trading. 

Future Of Bitcoin

It is already an established fact that more and more people are showing their confidence in Crypto assets.

And the future looks extremely bright for Bitcoin investors. This is mainly why experts in this field give a green signal to the investors to invest more in Bitcoin. 

It is also a well-established fact that there is no other medium of business that offers a better return compared to Bitcoin.

Therefore the rate of success is quite high for Crypto investors. Bitcoin well fits into your investment portfolio. Cryptocurrency is being seen as a store of value. 

Still, Gold is valued as the most valuable metal on which investment is made. Buy Cryptocurrency is coming just near this, and it is challenging the 24-carat trust. No matter why Bitcoin is termed as “digital gold,” an accolade that is quite fitting.

In the coming future, Bitcoin will be regulated closely. The initiative is taken by the current Joe Biden Government that orders more regulation to bring clarity and Transparency. 

This very US policy helps bring clarity and provide a better understanding of Bitcoin.

This also needs to be understood that there are many ways to go so far as establishing greater heights of establishing as a Legal Tender (Though Crypto is accepted in El Salvador). 

How Does Bitcoin Fit Into Your Investment Portfolio?

One of the main aspects of trading Bitcoin is that you can trade it 24/7 along with other Cryptocurrencies.

There are various exchanges available in the USA where you can trade Cryptocurrency.  

Many investors have turned to Bitcoin because they see it as a portfolio diversifier. If you are investing in Bitcoin, you have a high chase of return without having much of a loss. So you could well understand that Bitcoin fits into your investment portfolio.

There is one piece of advice for retail investors. The retail investors must limit their holdings in Bitcoin to 1% since there are chances that you end up losing your investment in the short term. 

If you think that there is a high risk when it comes to investing directly in Bitcoin, you can invest in Bitcoin traded exchange funds like that of ProShares Bitcoin strategy ETF. 


In order to conclude, it can be said that Bitcoin offers a safe and comfortable zone to you. 

And the consistent success that it has had over the years offers you enough courage and opportunity to invest in Bitcoin.

So it’s high time that you invest in Bitcoin now!

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