Search Result for 'Down Under'


I’m jubileed off

LOST IN LONDON | Yes, I know the Jubilee was months ago. And yes, there has been, oh I don’t know, the little matter of the Olympics in the meantime to help delete the collective memory of the BBC's coverage pondering how many toilet breaks the Royals would have needed ...

packing light

The perils of packing

Packing bags, whether it be moving across the world or just nipping over to Europe for a cheeky weekend, is always a complicated process. How much do you need, how much do you take, how much are you allowed? PHOEBE LEE looks at one of life’s hardest dilemmas and tries ...

Midnight Youth are here to rock London

Kiwi rockers Midnight Youth are coming to London for the very first time to blow the roof off the Borderline with some awesome Antipodean sounds. TIM MARTIN chatted to frontman Jeremy Redmore about festivals, Canberra and those ‘Aussie’ Finn brothers.

Jimmy Barnes

Aussie rock and what it means to me

Jimmy Barnes sings “standin' on the outside lookin' in” and that’s exactly the way I feel over here. Having lived in the UK for a few years I find myself taking every opportunity to fly the Aussie flag. And to celebrate classic Aussie rock.

Las Fallas — the Festival of Fire

For one week every year Valencia is transformed into an hallucinatory spectacle of giant papier-mâché statues. SIMON WEST was one of the millions who flocked to watch the Ninots set alight, as well as the parades and other festivities that engulf this Spanish town in the south.

Dome of the Rock

Israel — behind the headlines

What boxes do you generally like to tick on a short break…Culture? Weather? History? Nightlife? Beach? Sun? Nature? If you have answered yes to any of the above options, RAQUEL MESSI wants to draw your attention to a country more famous for its politics than its appeal as a holiday ...

Morocco camels

The magic of Morocco

Where else in the world can you watch the sunrise over the Sahara for breakfast, fight off Marrakech snake charmers at lunch then feast on fresh Essaouira seafood for dinner? LIAM FLANAGAN explores the amazing wonders of Morocco.

Sam Simmons

A very Simmonsy Christmas

What do you get when you throw one of Australia’s funniest comedians in a cold Christmassy London, shake him around a bit and let him loose with a pen? Read on to find out what funnyman SAM SIMMONS really thinks of Christmas!

Simply fantashtic

RIGHT SAID ED | If you're reading this and your calender hasn't flipped into 2012, then you still have time to donate to the thing that is growing on my top lip - yep, my Movember moustache! You still have time to donate to anyone's for that matter.

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