UK Weather

UK Weather forecast, alerts and UVB index, Wednesday 22 September 2021

Your daily weather forecast for London.

Overview for Wednesday 22 September 2021:

Early mist and fog soon clearing on Wednesday leaving a fine morning. Cloud increasing a little during the afternoon, staying largely dry though with sunny periods. Maximum temperature 21 °C

Special weather advisories:


UVB sunburn index:


UK Weather Warnings:


Chance of precipitation:


Weather data provided by the Met Office. For a detailed forecast of your area, click here.

Australia Weather

Australian Weather sourced from The Bureau of Meteorology, Australia's national weather, climate and water agency. Its expertise and services assist Australians in dealing with the harsh realities of their natural environment, including drought, floods, fires, storms, tsunami and tropical cyclones. Through regular forecasts, warnings, monitoring and advice spanning the Australian region and Antarctic territory, the Bureau provides one of the most fundamental and widely used services of government.

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