UK Weather

UK Weather forecast, alerts and UVB index, Tuesday 28 September 2021

Your daily weather forecast for London.

Overview for Tuesday 28 September 2021:

A cloudy morning with showers or longer spells of rain reaching all areas through Tuesday. A rather windy day and continuing to feel much cooler compared to recent days. Maximum temperature 16 °C.

Special weather advisories:

Cloudy changing to heavy showers by lunchtime.

UVB sunburn index:


UK Weather Warnings:

Flood warnings in force for England.

Chance of precipitation:


Weather data provided by the Met Office. For a detailed forecast of your area, click here.

UK Weather

UK Weather sourced from The Met Office, the national meteorological service for the UK. They provide critical weather services and world-leading climate science, helping you make better decisions to stay safe and thrive.

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