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How to reduce your carbon footprint and live sustainably

Relying heavily on non-renewable energy sources such as oil and coal for energy will eventually dwindle making it too expensive and having severe environmental consequences. This is why renewable energy such as wind and sunlight are although always replenished will never run short. Most of this energy comes directly or indirectly from the sun and can be used to heat and light homes, roads and buildings by generating electricity. These types of energy are also used for various commercial and industrial purposes. Other sources of renewable energy include wind which is captured through windmills or turbines. Here are some ways in which you can make a difference in the way you live in a simple yet effective way.

Conserve Energy

In our everyday life, it is important to reduce the strain we have on our environment by making sure to cut down on our electricity usage in our homes. We can reassess on how much we use certain appliances and use lights only when it is absolutely necessary. The next major impact comes from industrial buildings and businesses. Using a commercial solar system in large factories and businesses can have a staggering benefit on the electricity consumption and save a lot of energy and money in the long run.

Replacement Of Incandescent Lights

Incandescent lights are old-fashioned and burn most of the energy by emitting heat rather than producing light. It is best to use fluorescent light bulbs or LED ones that are highly energy efficient and emit light well. These bulbs use only about a quarter of the energy that the traditional incandescent bulbs use. LED lights may be more expensive however they last longer. In addition, think about garden or porch lights that are lit all night long and make sure to switch them off when going to bed instead of leaving them on all night. Consider buying lights that operate using motion detection if you require them for security purposes.

Use Of Household Appliances

While most of us think that we need all of the household appliances by default, if you really think about it you will find that only a few are rarely used. You will be surprised at how much energy you save by less usage of these appliances. Making it a habit in your daily life to reduce the use of certain equipment will help you change your lifestyle for the betterment and make it that much more satisfying. A clear example would be the use of a dryer, if you have a clothesline and enough sunlight, using this method to dry your clothes is the best way to save a lot of energy. Other items such as a dishwasher can also be minimized to perhaps once a week.

Unplug Appliances

Most people are unaware that having electronics or other appliances plugged in to their sockets even if they are switched off continues to sap energy. So make sure to always unplug all your electronics when they are not in use such as computers, laptops, televisions and even phone chargers.

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