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How to cut costs on your energy bills

You’ll bulk up your wallet, find it easier to save for your next holiday or pay off stressful debts, and do your part to reduce your home’s eco-footprint. Whether you’re looking to cut down on the energy usage in your household or simply save money on the cost of your electricity, we’ve got plenty of useful tips to help you get started.

Take a look at your provider options. Many people stick with the same energy provider for years, continuously paying extortionate bills, and then wonder why they can’t seem to save money in the long-term. Switching over to a more affordable service could do wonders for your budget and help you live the kind of lifestyle you’re aiming for. Use a service like Econnex to find out which provider has the best deal for your particular household or business needs, then consider making the switch if you could be saving money with a different provider.

Change the way you use the thermostat. While it may be tempting to constantly adjust your home’s heating or cooling thermostat to get that perfect temperature that keeps you comfortable, each degree that you add on to your heating once you get over 20 Celsius adds a significant amount to your bill. Be wise with your thermostat and remember to turn off any heating or cooling systems when they’re not in use.

Insulate your home. An easy way to control the temperature of your home without using energy-draining heaters or air conditioners is to make sure the insulation of your home is working effectively. You can have a professional come in to check that the insulation around your windows, attic, and other vulnerable areas is sealed properly, and then have insulation added if a problem is detected. You can also provide your own insulation by using curtains and blinds to keep sun from overheating your home – as well as outdoor shades that can prevent heat from building up in your windows.

Check your light bulbs. Some light bulbs are far more energy efficient than others. LED bulbs are far more energy efficient than the old halogen variety, so they’ll keep your room glowing for longer without racking up the cost of your electricity bill.

Give your dryer a break. Running clothes through a dryer every time you do a load of washing may be adding far more to your electricity bill than you realise. It’s also unnecessary when the sun is shining and you have plenty of warm rays ready and waiting to dry your clothes the natural way. Set up a washing line in your back garden so you can skip the dryer altogether when the sun is out.

Cut your water usage. Many homes use more water than they need, boosting their energy costs and draining the earth’s most precious natural resource. There are many ways you can cut down on the amount of water you use in your home, from simply switching off the tap while you brush your teeth or wash dishes, to installing water-saving features in your bathroom. Water saving showerheads and tap fixtures will reduce the flow so you use less water each time you wash

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