Categories: Lifestyle

Why your blog posts don’t get shared on Facebook

What is happening? Why is your blog post not generating enough interested? Here are several causes for this problem and possible solutions:

The Topic is Boring

The most common diagnosis for blog posts that never take off is boring topics. If the topic you have chosen is utterly boring, then of course no one would read your posts. Generic topics are usually very boring. Topics that lack a clear focus can seem boring as well as confusing. So, choose your topic wisely. Pay attention to current events to see what people are interested in. If you know your target audience really well, then you would know what they want to read about. Choose a topic accordingly.

You Don’t Have a Target Audience

When you try to promote content on social networks without the help of a social media marketing agency, the chances for amateur mistakes are high. One common mistake bloggers make is not specifying target audience on social networks. You need to find your target audience on each social media channel. Then optimize posts to appeal to this audience. When you do this, your blog posts will see more buzz.

The Blog Posts are Structured Badly

Even if readers click on the link you have posted, they could get turned off for various reasons. Keep in mind that users share on their own profiles only the links they really like. So, a reader must really like your blog post to get a social media share. If your blog posts is not structured well to grab the attention of a reader, then you would experience high bounce rates. So, make sure your blog posts are well written and information is presented in a structured manner.

There are No Pictures

Like Alice in Wonderland, your readers could get turned off by blog posts without any pictures. Web users respond really well to visual stimuli. Even if a topic doesn’t interest a potential reader, a picture might. Therefore, make sure there are visual aids in the form of images and infographics accompanying your blog posts.

You are Covering a Topic that has been Covered a Million Times before

Make sure the topic of your blog post has not been covered by anyone else. Some topics are so common readers are desensitized to them. You must always present content in a unique manner. Even if the topic is done to death, a new way of presenting information could interest regular readers.

You Don’t have a Plan to Boost Links

Blog posts do need a boost or two to get going on social media. These boosts can be sponsored links, ads on social networks, or having an influencer share the link. Boosting posts would cost you some money, but you will be rewarded in traffic and high conversion rates.

As you can see, the problem could be one of many things, or too many things at once. Read the above carefully and make sure your blog posts are not plagued by the same problems.

Australian Times

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