
KK: Popular Bollywood singer dies hour after live performance

KK had an incredible performance at Vivekananda College on Tuesday evening. The singer’s untimely death shocked many as he had just been before a crowd an hour before. 

According to ABC News, KK felt unwell after he returned to Oberoi Grand Hotel. He was reportedly feeling cold and unwell before he collapsed in the hotel. 

Thus far, tributes have poured in for the singer from fans and popular figures alike. To date, KK had another performance lined up for today. 

Krishnakumar Kunnah is pictured in the middle with Mohit Chauhan and Shaan respectively. Photo: AFP/Sujit Sahiwal

Right now, it is reported that KK had a heart attack in the city of Kolkata. So far, the singer was taken to the Calcutta Medical Research Institute where he was declared dead. 

KK died as a result of a heart attack

An official spokesperson from the CRMI shared that they do not know what to do with his body yet. As he is a popular figure, the situation needs to be treated differently. 

“The regular procedure is that when somebody is brought in dead to the hospital, the body is handed over to the police and an autopsy is conducted, but in the case of somebody as popular as him, we don’t know the next steps yet,” 

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Just before his death, KK shared a post on Facebook regarding his performance at the College. It is reported that he only felt unwell after his performance in Kolkata. 

“Pulsating gig tonight at Nazrul Mancha. Vivekananda College !! Love you all,” 

Krisankumar Kannah
Shannon Alexander

Shannon Alexander is a writer who is fascinated by all things pop culture. The use of language in all its different forms has always intrigued her which ultimately led to her completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature studies. Right now, she is passionate about telling stories that matter most to people. When she isn't writing away about your daily dose of celebrity news and entertainment, you can find her getting lost in a good thriller book.