
5 Types of Pests the UK and Australia have in common

We’ve all experienced the dreaded scuttling of little feet where we have been walking in the city streets at night. We’ve heard the scrabbling of claws on concrete. We’ve even seen them, the rodents, dashing out in front of us or running across the road in front of our cars. Too many of us have experience with things like termites or have had pets bring back fleas.

Pests are pesky, hence the name. Here are some found in both extremes of heat and cold found in the UK and Australia.

5 Pests that you find in the UK and Australia

Whether you live in the colder northern climes of the UK or are used to the scorching heat of an Australian summer, you will find these pests are never far away. If you come across some, call pest control Sydney or pest control London and they can remove them for you.

1 – Rats

Australian rats are native to the island, where they have earned a variety of species with odd names. They have stick nest rats, rock rats, water rats, and even a weird species of hopping mouse. Thankfully, none are poisonous. Unfortunately, you’re more likely to see rats in the city than in the countryside in the UK. They thrive in the underground and back alleys, where they eat the food and waste humans leave behind.

2 – Fleas

Fleas are difficult to get rid of since they lay their eggs all over your home. There are three main types of fleas in Australia and the UK that you have to worry about. Some live on your cat, those that live on your dog, and those that live on you. They bite and leave itchy spots and carry diseases of their own.

3 – Wasps

Nobody likes a wasp, but we must make allowances. Outside of bees, wasps are huge pollinators. They are up there in the top ten. If the bees die off, we will depend on the wasps… so we ought to be gentle. Wasps are an invasive species in Australia. They are European wasps. Someone thought Australia didn’t have enough predatory species and brought a wasp over at some point in history. 

4 – Flies

Flies harbor germs. They land on faeces and then try to crawl over your food. In England, clouds of flying ants swarm so thickly in the summertime that they show up on weather reports and are interpreted as rain clouds. In Australia, clouds of flies were so thick in 2020/21 that they made international headlines. It’s a modern plague.

5 – Cockroaches

Cockroaches are rampant in Queensland, according to our news sources. As a result, Australians need to deal with severe roach infestations from September to June. Although less prevalent in the north of England, you do find cockroaches thrive in the southern areas. 

Don’t Let Pests Ruin Your Home. This is because they:

Do something about it quickly. Nobody wants a summer swarm.

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