Health & Wellness

5 Tips to Boost Your Mood With Some Self-Care

Have you noticed a shift in your life lately? There’s something about this time of year where plans and priorities change for everyone. The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder and our lives are not buzzing with social plans like during the summer months. It’s normal to be dealing with a little slump in your mood right now!

Make Sure Your Body Is Getting What It Needs

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that make a world of difference in improving our moods. Are you meeting your body’s basic physiological needs? Ensure you are having three nutritious meals every day and don’t forget to hydrate. Keep a healthy snack and a bottle of water on hand to fight off those slumps in your mood.

The power of 8 hours of sleep every night is often underestimated. Turn off the television and hit the hay a little earlier to give your body the rest it needs. Do you struggle with sleeping? Read this useful guide on how to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Break a Sweat

Exercise can be daunting. Especially during the winter months when the lure of your cosy living space is more appealing than heading outside.

Start small and aim for 30 minutes of movement every day. Get out for a walk, turn on a yoga tutorial, or run around the playground with your kids! It’s amazing what a rush of endorphins after exercise can do to lift your mood!

Be Kind To Yourself

Are you looking around and comparing yourself to others who seem to be doing it all seamlessly? The fact is, they are probably as stressed and overwhelmed as the rest of us.

Daily affirmations can be very useful in maintaining a positive mood. Start as you mean to go on and try beginning each day on a positive note. It could be as simple as looking in the mirror each morning and saying to yourself “I am motivated and I am confident”. Take a look at some other daily affirmations you could use to improve your mindset.

Enjoy a Little Me-time

Live your life for yourself as much as possible. If you enjoy going to a dance class or meeting your friends to kick a football around, go do it! It is often after these activities when we feel most like we are living our lives to the fullest.

It may sound superficial, but feeling good about your outer appearance can also give you that pep in your step. Take a little time to glow up every day! Spray some nice smells, put on your favourite lipstick, and style that hair. Never have a bad hair day again with these useful tips from Schwarzkopf on haircare.

Talk It Out

Getting your stresses and worries off your chest can do wonders for releasing some tension and boosting your mood. Don’t hold your feelings inside and allow them to fester. Saying your thoughts out loud to a friend, family member, or medical professional can put things into perspective and you will likely be provided with some reassurance.

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