Categories: Expat Life

UK visa appeal process

Q: I appealed against the denial of my uk visa application and lodged an appeal at the Visa Application Centre but now heard that it will not be considered as I can only lodge an appeal in the UK?  Is this true?  What must I do now?

A: It is true that as from 19 December people will need to lodge their appeals at the Tribunal in the UK.  Appeals lodged at any of the overseas visa application centers will not be accepted.  As your appeal has been lodged before this date, it will still be considered.

JP Breytenbach

Director of Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants Limited or

Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants

Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants Ltd offer expert advice and representation in relation to UK immigration law, UK visa applications, and UK visa reviews and appeals. Our highly qualified consultants have many years of experience in the field of immigration. We pride ourselves on our reputation for excellence, fast results, and friendly personal service.We also offer advice and representation in all South African immigration matters.