Categories: Expat Life

Right on track with my hot new partner, Underground

SO how much do you really know about the man or woman in your life?

Our relationship has only just begun, but in three short months my new guy has done a great job in getting me to where I need to go.

Its not an exclusive relationship; it’s shared with hundreds of thousands daily. He is of a mature age; 149 years young to be exact, sharing himself across 11 other lines and arrives every two minutes. For some that may be too frequent, but with a busy lifestyle like mine, we make it work!

And he goes a long way; 402 kilometres and can take me to 270 different destinations.

Every girl likes their man to have good credentials and being the second largest metro system in the world, my man is totally up there (that Shanghai metro must be a real spunk).

Like a lot of things he isn’t perfect but he is definitely working out his issues and just like us, sometimes can have an ‘off’ weekend where he is closed for business.

The Tube map is a “know your partner” manual that helps me work him out. If only all things in life came with such a helpful user guide.

I might sound like a nagging girlfriend and it’s not that I’m not appreciative of all that he does for me, and I would even consider him as marriage material if he had a few bonus attributes; Wi-Fi for us social activists (so I could update my relationship status on Facebook!) and most definitely air conditioning, because lets face it, it’s 2012 and it’s a must! I mean who enjoys peeling off their winter layers, or sizzling in the sticky Underground heat in the summer time?

Is that too much for a woman to ask of her Tube?

IMAGE: The London Underground in motion, courtesy Jessica C, via Wiki Commons