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Video resumes opening doors for job seekers

In short, in order to even stand a chance — job seekers need to be able to distinguish themselves from the pack, and get the attention of potential employers.

While there are many ways to accomplish this goal, the one that has gained the most traction recently is the use of video resumes.

Upping the Ante in the Resume Game

Regular written resumes have long been a fixture when it comes to applying for jobs. But when you boil it all down, the reason for having a resume is to draw the attention of potential employers to your qualifications and skills.

Nowadays, your resume is very often the first thing that a potential employer will see from you. It is their first glimpse into who you are and your first chance to let them know why you are a great hire for their company. As you probably know all too well — first impressions count, which is why video resumes are starting to be seen as the best way to make the most out of that first encounter with potential new employers.

Telling vs. Showing

The fact that video is a far better medium than simple text is without a doubt. Countless studies have shown that people respond better when shown something rather than simply told, and with a video you can showcase the reasons why potential new employers should be looking to hire you.

With conventional resumes, the only way you can do that is by listing the relevant qualifications, experience and skills that relate to the job that you’re applying for. However with a video resume you can do much more than that as you can actually give employers a look at your personality, and really show them the type of employee you could be.

Video Resumes Done Right

Of course, although the advantages of video resumes should be plain to see — that doesn’t mean that simply recording a video of yourself reciting your resume is sufficient. To fully unlock the potential of this tool you need to script out your resume, and have it look professional. Already there are some services online such as at that are willing to lend their expertise to the task.

After that, you’ll need to find a video resume database where you can submit your new resume. Since video resumes are still gaining ground, there aren’t that many of these around — so you’ll want to take advantage of the ones that you can find.

Assuming you take the time to make sure that your video resume is professional, clear, and properly reflects your personality, experience, skills and qualifications — you will find that it really does help you to get the attention of potential employers and open doors in this difficult job market.

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